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Konser Salonu

Benefits of Music Education on Child Development



  • “Music supports the child's concentration skills. Since music activates more than one area of ​​the brain, it helps the child to develop and strengthen his attention skills ”

  • Playing a musical instrument positively affects the quality of life of the child. Recent studies have indicated that children in the school choir or orchestra have the lowest alcohol and cigarette smoking status in their current and future lives.

  • If music education is started at the right place and at the right age, it will contribute to the individual. While playing an instrument, it is often observed how an individual feels, expresses positive or negative events through music. Because man is an emotional being.

  • In developed societies, families take care to ensure that their children are educated in a certain line by identifying that their children are prone to science, technique or art at a young age, shaping their lives and using their talents in the right direction. The importance of music in this context is that it directly addresses the soul of the individual and develops the feeling of reading and writing. Music education is very important in spreading non-violent emotional people.

  • Dealing with music is important not only for the development of the individual but also for the development of the society. The fact that families are conscious and create “musical, times, ensure that the child is intertwined with music contributes to their development.

  • Children learn basic skills such as speaking and walking from their parents through observation and imitation. Based on my research and experience, we can say that the same process is effective in music education of children in this age group. For this reason, the moments that children will spend with music with their parents are of great importance. Singing together, dancing, placing music into your daily routine are the most common practices.

  • They can choose a melody they can sing together for routines such as food, sleep, bath time (or even a song they have composed), set a time zone as ”music clock içinde during the day, make this time more enjoyable with instruments suitable for their children's age. create a space in which they can dance together.

  • For a more expert approach, they can participate in music activities accompanied by instructors.

  • "Music improves the child's reading and writing skills. Verbal expressions develop more rapidly as children's music skills are more advanced than other children."

Course Descriptions and Definitions

  • We give our lessons one-to-one, in 45 minutes, taking into account the attention span of children.

  • Before enrolling our students, in order to maintain the standard of education quality,  We are doing a short aptitude test. (Free Lesson) This  In this way, more efficient and faster results can be obtained from the studies.

  • Our education system is primarily geared towards teaching reading notes. With solfeggio, the first two-month period continues by making small introductions to the instrument. The following processes are followed by application-oriented studies.

  • The main purpose in this system is not to paint the eyes of our students or parents by making them memorize songs. On the contrary, the aim is to teach your children about music.  is to enable them to work in a short time without the need for an instructor.

  • It is very important that the homework given on time is done on time, as the regular work of the student taking the course with his instrument affects the pace of progress of the courses.

  • (Important Information) Courses that cannot be attended in a four-class period must be made up again within that month.

  • Lessons that are not attended without notice are considered to have been done.  (Emergency and health problems  not including)

  • Make-up classes must be done in the same month.  

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