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Message From Our Founder


Music develops self-expression, creativity and aesthetic sense; It contributes to voice and language development, cognitive development and abstract thinking. The musical ability of the child starts from birth. From birth it reacts to the sound stimulus. Recognize the footsteps of his parents. It expresses its happiness and unhappiness by crying and raising and lowering its tone. According to some researchers; we can observe that children are innately sensitive to music by listening to their songs and humming, watching their efforts to comply with the original dances and plays. This natural ability is universal and is inherent in the child who is a member of every society. In particular, babies have surprisingly similar abilities as adults in perceiving sounds and paying attention to a musical stimulus. Babies between 3-6 months begin to turn towards the source of music and show the pleasure they receive from it. A 1 year old child tries to participate in a moving music with his hands and sounds. The 2-year-old likes to listen to music and goes to an effort to adapt his own movements to the rhythm that exists in music. It is seen that children aged 3, 4, 5 tend to sit down and listen to music rather than reacting spontaneously. This feature also gives preschoolers the habit of listening and keeping silent. wins. For preschoolers, music and dance are not only a means of self-expression, but also an important activity for their social development. Because the child can communicate with friends more easily with music.




Music primarily contributes to the language development of the preschool child through songs and nursery rhymes. It also allows the child to demonstrate his creativity through musical activities. Music contributes to the development of mental, motor, social skills and abilities. It is clearly seen that music education also contributes to reading ability. The positive effect of music education is manifested in learning and creativity as well as reading. Music; Improves self-expression and creativity. Improves aesthetic sense. It provides motor development and rhythmic development. Contributes to voice and language development. Contributes to cognitive development and abstract thinking. Gains social and group skills. In summary, we can say that music education supports the development of cognitive skills including reading, abstract thinking skills and creativity.

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